A piece transcreated by Swapnadeep Roy

lone lone letters  একা একা অক্ষরেরা

No words anywhere.Something which pretends to be word, in reality is a space or gap between two silences.These spaces are attributed.There is no such space but thought of.
Who is the initiator of this thought?An inseparable silence is the probable answer.It has no turbulence.Because that endless silence lived in its own way without breathing long ago.
Then all on a sudden,it had the desire for  breathing.As if.Not in true sense.In inspiration or expiration in the cumulative breathes the single unit of silence seemed to cut itself into pieces.As if.Again not in true sense.As a result,multiple spaces or gaps took their  field between those turbid pieces of silence.Those gaps are words so to say.As if.Not in true sense again.
In continuation,therefore every words hinder the yolk of silence.Sequentially a sentence is nothing but a dam or dyke against the silence.A poem is actually  an awful conspiracy in order to put a full stop to that absolute silence.The novel is actually a world war,it a fitful sabotage to piece apart that ball of stillness.Again that same observation applied, as if.Not in true sense.
All these conspiracies turn into nothingness just because they master no true sense.Their only introduction is that they are  barriers to the stillness.
How can a devotee blossom?How can an explorer bloom?In the pathway of a river the large stones that are lying motionless, are only there to hinder the emergence of the stream,not allowing the flow to express its inner wealth.In the watercourse of light such uncountable black motionless stones lie side by side.
Words are of two types.Honest words.Dishonest ones.Those words which pretend to express the wealth of silence,are dishonest words.On contrary,
the words which are shouting and yelling  to unveil that we are weak,we can't make out,we have lost the course,we are failures,are actually honest words.
Honest or dishonest,whatever maybe their entity,words are fancied gaps within an enormous ball of silence.As words are always the endproducts of  fitful imageries,it would be inconclusive to register 'silence' in converse.
It is something undefined,which is alive without any respiratory mechanism.
It is better not to say anything to him.Otherwise,his thin skin could be exposed.


নির্জনতাপ্রিয় মানুষটির "নাস্তিক পণ্ডিতের ভিটে" কে না পড়েছেন!মনু নদীর গহীনে তার চেতনার চিরসন্তরণ আর সেই অবলোকন সমাচ্ছন্নতার মধ‍্যে রয়েছে  আত্মউন্মোচনের এক অপার ব‍্যপ্তি।সংসার এবং সন্ন‍্যাসের অবাধ বিচরণের মাঝে তিনি দেখেছেন বহুস্তরের যাপনচিত্র।
"একা একা অক্ষরেরা"  লেখকের একটি গদ‍্যাংশ সংগ্রহ।ছোট ছোট ভাবোন্মেষের মধ‍্য দিয়ে লেখক এখানে খুঁজেছেন শাশ্বতের উৎসমুখ!

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